A truck attacked by mine in two weeks after sabotaging bridge on Yangon-Mawlamyine Road


Khit/ Thant Zin (NP News) - June 10

In Mon State, more than two weeks after the bridges on the Yangon-Mawlamyine highway were exploded, a truck was again attacked with mines, according to residents.

The incident happened on 6 June at an estimated 11 pm near Kayinlayseik Village in Thaton Township.

“The voice of large explosion was emerged last night. We saw a 12-wheeled vehicle was exploded. The incident was happened at the scene three miles away from Kyoneik Bridge that was also damaged with mine. The front side of the vehicle was totally damaged,” the resident told NP News.

No one was injured in the mine attack on the truck, but the hood of the 12-wheeler carrying bags of beans was damaged.

“No person was injured. There were also incidents that the cars were also exploded by mines,” he added.

As a result of the mine attack, the truck was damaged by fire, and many bags of beans were also damaged.

There were also incidents that the Kyoneik Bridge and Masaw Bridge on the Yangon-Mawlamyine highway were mined by the KNU and PDF coalition in April and May.

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