Myanmar’s Pathein Parasols with unique features of culture


Thiri Khit Oo (NP News) - June 21

To protect against sun rays and rain, only umbrellas are the best to use. In Myanmar, centuries ago, people used Pathein parasols (locally called Pathein Htee). Pathein is located in Myanmar’s Ayeyawady Region where cloth parasols are produced. It is an honor to be famous for a handicraft product with the name of Pathein Township. Those handicrafts are traditional heritage.

Dating back to the Koungbaung dynasty era, U Shwe Sar, the parasols expert and also a royal staff served the king Thibaw. In those days, the arts, design, and works of cloth parasols by U Shwe Sar were used only by royal families and high-class people. From then to now, those traditional parasols have become one of the symbols of the greatest traditional ceremonies and events.

During the colonial era, U Shwe Sar moved from the Royal Palace to Pathein Town. He started his life again with a vocation in he experts. This is the beginning of forming Pathein parasols. This was also the beginning of the handicraft parasols industry that would later become famous as Pathein parasols.

Making a Pathein parasol process has 56 steps taking time about a week. The important part is setting the cloths with bamboo (the sticks of parasols) and the lining up parts. In ancient time, the best parasols are made of bamboo that are harvested only in the monsoon season. The bamboo has to be bleached by soaking in water for two months. In the gluing process, the mixture of grinding tapioca, persimmon, and glutinous rice powder was used as glue to stick the cloth with bamboo. After gluing, the parasols were dried in the sun. To dye the parasols, sesame oil is essential. After processing all the steps, the Pathein parasol with a wooden handle and a bobble at the top is produced as a finished product. In making Pathein parasol, painting arts is also important to draw beautiful shapes and designs.

Most parasols were intended for the ladies and women decorating with a branch of flowers and waving design. Nowadays, the more the country is developed, the more technical assistance has emerged for preserving Myanmar’s handicraft Pathein parasols. With the finest handicrafts, the parasols gain popularity and attract tourists as their memorial gifts. Domestically, Pathein parasols are also used as decorated items in shops, hotels, restaurants, and many places.

However, as time flies, Pathein parasols are less produced in Pathein Township due to a decreasing number of experts and a shortage of raw materials. Therefore, the government and private sectors open vocational training classes for making Pathein parasols in the Mandalay Region. Myanmar expects to export the Pathein parasols to the international market under the recognition of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Data References – MingalaGo
Global New Light of
Reading Museum
Travel to Pathein
Myanma Han
Tradit­io­nal Umbrella

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