EAOs’ territorial victories temporary: says PNLO leader


Hsu/ Munich (NP News) - June 30

Steering leader of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) Khun Okkar remarked that the territorial victories by the EAOs deem to be a temporary conquer and it doesn’t secure the legitimacy.

“Of course, the EAOs for the time being seize the territories over winning military advantages. However, seizing the whole territory doesn’t secure the legitimacy but it will account in the political sphere,” he said.

Three northern insurgent groups MNDAA (Kokang), TNLA (Ta’ang) and AA (Rakhine) launched Operation 1027 on 27 October 2023; and managed to capture some townships in northern Shan State.

He continued that "We are currently engaged in armed conflict, but victories on one side are temporary while the other side is weakened. This is the nature of armed conflict. I don't believe that peace or political outcomes can be achieved through armed struggle.”

In Rakhine State, the AA insurgents resumed fighting on 13 November last year. The AA currently controls some towns within the Rakhine State.

"Seizing territory alone doesn't grant legitimacy or national rights," said Khun Okkar continuing that "Genuine political solutions require negotiation and consensus to secure these rights."

"Military victories offer no lasting solutions," Khun Okkar stressed. "True peace and political rights can only be achieved through political agreements, not just battlefield victories."

Political parties have also warned that the occupation of towns and territories by ethnic armed groups is not a sustainable solution, the military potentially regained the control over those territories through armed conflicts.

What is more, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing has previously stated in meetings that capturing territories with weapons does not and cannot confer legitimacy.

Khun Okkar of the PNLO argues “lasting peace and true political rights can only be secured through political agreements, not just military victories. While military victories may achieve temporary gains, sustainable peace and conflict resolution require meaningful dialogue, resulting agreements, and the political outcomes they generate, such as constitutional changes and consensus.

Intense fighting continues between Tatmadaw and non-State armed troops like AA, KIA, KNU, CNF and KNPP across the country. In addition, those non-State armed troops are fighting each other in the territories seized by them especially in northern Shan State where KIA, TNLA and MNDAA have arguments over ruling territories and in Chin State where AA and Chin armed troops found disagreements.

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