23 political parties denounce terroristic acts of three northern alliance


NP News - July 19

A total of 23 political parties issued an objection joint statement on 11 July which strongly denounced the dishonour, humiliation, and violations of the Constitution and international humanitarian norms, which are committed by the MNDAA (so-called Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army), TNLA (Ta’ang National Liberation Army) and AA (Arakan Army) in the ongoing conflicts, especially in northern Shan State.

Bleaching the ceasefire agreement, the said groups relaunched firing in June 2024 claiming as the second wave of Operation 1027. The parties highlighted and condemned the extrajudicial killings, attacking non-military targets, and racial discrimination committed by the said armed groups.

In the joint statement, it is said that they obviously break the stipulation stated in Section 355 of the 2008 Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar: “Every citizen shall have the right to settle and reside in any place within the Republic of the Union of Myanmar according to law.” In addition, it stated that driving away other ethnic tribes by terrorist groups from their controlled areas also breaks Article 13(1) of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

The 23 political parties clearly stressed their unacceptability and objections to the acts of terrorism of the MNDAA, TNLA, and the AA; and urged widespread condemnations against three armed groups.

The involved parties are: Union Solidarity and Development Party, Myanmar People’s Democratic Party, New Democracy Party (Kachin), Rakhine State National Force Party, Lisu National Development Party, National Unity Party, Khami National Development Party, Arkhar National Development Party, Myanmar Federation of National Politics, People’s Labour Party, Myanmar Farmers Development Party, Shan and Nationalities Democratic Party (White Tiger), Democratic Party, Mro Nationalities Development Party, New National Democracy Party, National Progressive Party, Khumi National Party, Union Peace and Unity Party, New Era People’s Party, 88 Generation Student Youths Party, Public Party, and Mon Development Party.

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