Myanmar maids facing exploitation in overseas jobs


Khit / Thuta Kyaw (NP News) - Sep 18

Some maids from Myanmar who have been illegally gone abroad to work are reportedly being sent as far as Africa, according to an expert in foreign employment services who spoke to NP News.

While most Myanmar maids previously worked in Singapore and Hong Kong, there has recently been an increase in the number going to countries like Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan.

Social media platforms and credit-based broker services have made it easier for people to find work abroad as domestic workers, resulting in a significant increase in the number seeking such employment.

“Some workers are being transported from Arab countries to Africa by brokers who coordinate the process without informing the workers of their final destination. While the number is small, some have reached Morocco and even Egypt. However, the number of workers in places like Bahrain and Qatar is already quite high. Most of them leave on tourist visas," the expert said. He added that some domestic workers were sent to Africa without their knowledge.

There are online job posts claiming workers can earn up to USD 800 per month as maids, and some brokers promise to provide an OWIC (Overseas Workers Identity Card). However, the expert warned that these OWICs are fake.

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