VOA reports : US spends over $ 650M of terrorism financing in Myanmar within 2 years


Tun Mon Thet (NP News) - Oct 9

Burmese edition of the American-funded Voice of America (VOA) reported on October 4 that numerical data of the U.S.’ supports to the anti-government entities in Myanmar that were recently disclosed by the State Administration Council (SAC) was wrongfully tracked; and corrected that the real figure that the United States government has spent for so-called Myanmar’s democracy was amounted to a total of more than $650 million within two years, from 2021 to early 2023.

The SAC recently stated that the US is supporting at least $200 million annually to the opponents and insurgents starting from 2021. According to the SAC claim, it would be over only $600 million within three years from 2021 to 2024. However, according to the VOA reports, the U.S. has obviously funded over $650 million in two years.

The VOA, in its report, highlighted that the United States has already funded over $250 million to the opponents, from 2021 to early 2023, under the title of ‘Democratic movement’. In addition to this, it is also stressed that the United States government spent over another $400 million for those outlaws who take shelters inside and outside of Myanmar territories by referring the announcement made by the U.S. State of Department in February 2023.

The United States Congress enacted the NDAA Burma Act in 2022 featuring its commitment to sponsor the anti-government entities (or) the insurrection groups in Myanmar to flame the current political and military crises by fueling with its financial supports for terrorism operations.

In this point, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the major organization that delivers the U.S.’ fundings to their targeted clients under various titles of humanitarian aids such as bolstering health services, food security, education, and non-lethal supplies.

What is more, the 2022 NDAA Burma Act stated: “Technical support and non-lethal assistance for Myanmar’s EAOs, PDFs, and pro-democracy movement organizations to strengthen communications and command and control and coordination of international relief and other operations between and among such entities.”

Therefore, it is obvious that these technical and non-lethal assistance of the Burma Act directly go to the ethnocentric armed forces and the PDF terrorists in their communication channels and devices in the battlefield frontlines.

The American is also believed to sponsor in the vote rigging of the 2020 General Election. In early 2021, the U.S. Embassy in Yangon announced the U.S.’ support of over $46 million in the 2020 Election which the U.S. claimed providing to the Union Election Commission (UEC), Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and political parties. Although the UEC denied receiving it, electoral materials and machines including the software system used by the National League for Democracy appointed UEC and the role of CSOs that the U.S. sponsored in Myanmar’s 2020 General Election are still debatable and ambiguous.

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