Smart Village project to expand additional 40 villages next year plus to 128 villages


NP News - Dec 11

The Smart Village project, which started in 2022, has been implemented in 128 villages over the past two and a half years. It is planned to expand and be implemented in an additional 40 villages in the coming year, according to Dr. Zani Min, Director-General of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Rural Development, and the Department of Rural Development, as reported to The NP News.

In implementing the modern Smart Village project, activities have been carried out in six major sectors: development of infrastructure, support for energy distribution and financial services, livelihood and economic development for rural areas, strengthening cooperatives, technology dissemination, social protection and care services, and environmental conservation.

Dr. Zani Min explained that the selection and implementation of villages for the Smart Village project are based on specific criteria. "For example, the village must have more than 100 households. The road infrastructure must be appropriate. Moreover, there should be a solid foundation for agricultural and livestock development. The village should not be extremely poor, nor should it be excessively wealthy. We select villages according to these standards and then implement the project in six major sectors," he stated.

The project, which started in the 2022-2023 fiscal year, focuses on narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas and improving living standards. It aims to bridge the gap and enhance the quality of life in rural regions.

Dr. Zani Min, the Director-General, stated, "In the past two and a half years, we have completed the implementation in 128 villages. In the coming year, we will expand and carry out the project in an additional 40 villages. Currently, due to security concerns, we have not yet implemented the project in Kayah and Chin states, but we are carrying out the work in all the other states and regions. As of now, we have implemented the project in 128 villages. The project duration is five years, and the villages we have worked on in the first year are now entering the third year of the project period. Of the 1,664 planned activities in the 128 villages, we have already completed 1,031, which means 62 percent of the work has been completed. In the remaining two years, we will continue to implement the remaining activities."

The project duration is set for five years, and in the past two and a half years, Smart Village activities have been carried out in rural villages across various regions, including southern Shan State (Kalaw District), Magway Region (Thabeikkyin Township), Yangon Region, and Ayeyawady Region.

Dr. Zani Min said, "In the upcoming 2025, some portions will be finished. The project duration is five years. Now, we are in the third year, so some villages will complete it in four years. For example, in Kalaw Township, places like Baw Ninh have already completed it this year. Everything has been fully completed there. Some other villages are not fully completed yet. Furthermore, since the funding is also limited, it is not possible to finish everything in just one year."

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