Residents of Muse City encircled by armed groups amid economic grip


Interviewer - Thuta Kyaw
Translated by - Hsu

NP News - Dec 31

The town of Muse is effectively isolated, encircled by armed groups that have blocked all exits. Within the town, chaos reigns as various factions cause disturbances. Prices for essential goods have skyrocketed. Residents live in constant fear, fearing an imminent outbreak of conflict, a situation akin to sitting on a ticking time bomb. Below is a summary of an interview conducted by NP News with a Muse resident regarding the current state of the town.

Q: Before asking about the current state of Muse, we've heard about the capture of online scammers. Could you explain that situation? We also heard there was shooting recently.
A: On line scammers are being captured. The other day, there was a clash between Myoe Ma militia and the HeyMoeLon. Myoe Ma cooperated during such operations and there the clashes occurred.

Q: Could you please tell me about the situation of suppressing the scummers in Muse?
A: They are currently trying very hard to arrest them. They are going back and forth, conducting raids. These guys are also resisting. On that day (December 16th), they fought back and there was a clash.

Q: Have the scammers reduced their activities?
A: When one area is captured, they move to another. Their operations are extensive, involving millions of kyats. They are also engaged in online scams targeting people in China using the internet.

Q: What is the current state of development or decline in Muse?
A: There's no development. Fuel and food supplies are scarce. For instance, the price of a viss of chilies has exceeded 30,000 kyats.

Q: Why are goods so expensive?
A: Supplies mostly come from China since Myanmar can no longer export goods. Due to restrictions from the Chinese side, there are shortages and high prices.

Q: When the border gates opened, how did it affect the people? Were they more convenient?
A: Now it's a bit better because we can get some goods again. People are bringing food and other supplies from China. They're using cars and motorcycles to transport them.

Q: As a resident of Muse, do you feel safe?
A: It's hard to say. The situation is very unpredictable. You don't know what might happen next or who might be involved. Because of that, there's a high level of anxiety. It's like not knowing what tomorrow will bring.

Q: Are there visible infiltrations of other armed groups into the town?
A: Yes, they're moving around. They're dressed in civilian clothing. There are many of them, operating in groups. These groups have been present for some time. They blend seamlessly into the civilian population, making it difficult to distinguish them.

Q: Is the town stagnant during this wartime period?
A: Yes, it remains in a state of stagnation, with no noticeable improvement.

Q: Has trade in Muse completely come to a halt?
A: Yes, it's completely stopped. Both sides have closed everything. The other side won't let anything from this side in, and the other side's group won't let anything going to that side out.

Q: What do you mean by “the other side”?
A: The armed groups.

Q: Are there people fleeing the town?
A: Yes, many people have fled to places like Ruili and Kyukok, returning only to sleep at night.

Q: What would happen if there was a full-scale conflict in Muse?
A: Everything will be closed down. It'll be a complete lockdown. We'll be completely cut off. Those who are already at the other side will be lucky. It'll be just like what's happening in Panwa. China will immediately close the border. The people will be trapped.

Q: If there's a battle in the city, will there be severe damage and losses?
A: Yes, there would be extensive damage, Yes, there will be a lot of damage. There are many religious buildings, government buildings, and banks. It will be just like Lashio.

Q: Are banks still operating in Muse?
A: Yes, banks are still operational, and the town functions normally on the surface. However, people live in constant fear, like sitting on a ticking bomb.

Q: Is it still safe to travel between Yangon and Muse?
A: How can it be safe? There are countless checkpoints along the way. Just the other day, six civilians traveling from Mandalay to Muse were killed.

Q: Which group is doing these things?
A: There are a lot of PDF on the way.

Q: What ethnic groups predominantly live in Muse?
A: Shan, Palaung, Bamar, and some Rakhine ethnic groups. While they coexist due to economic interests, there’s no evident ethnic discrimination.

Q: Are the townspeople living in constant fear?
A: Yes, it's dangerous. There are a lot of thieves and robbers here. Kidnappings are also common. That's why the security situation is so worrying. There are so many groups involved, so it's hard to say who is responsible.

Q: Are crimes like robbery and kidnapping increasing?
A: Yes, there are many drug addicts and unemployed people causing trouble. Additionally, individuals without proper documentation from places like Ruili and Kyukok are being deported, which contributes to the problem.

Q: What challenges do authorities face in maintaining control?
A: There are multiple armed groups and defense forces, making it almost impossible to exert control.

Q: How was the economic situation in Muse in the past?
A: When trade was first opened, Muse's economy was booming. But now, it's not so good. Back then, there was trade with China, both imports and exports, so things were good. Now, there's nothing. We're just sitting here.

Q: Are wealthy individuals still living in Muse?
A: Most have relocated to places like Mandalay.

Q: Are people in Muse preparing for a possible conflict?
A: No. If conflict breaks out, they plan to flee to China. That’s their only option.

Q: How is communication in Muse?
A: It's pretty good right now. Ooredoo and MPT, that is. For internet, Ooredoo is better.

Q: What’s the current cost of essentials?
A: A sack of rice costs over 500,000 kyats. Local rice costs about 300,000 kyats per sack.

Q: Which armed groups are present around Muse?
A: Groups like MNDAA, AA, TNLA, and KIA are present, surrounding the town.

Q: Do these groups have conflicts among themselves?
A: Yes, there are territorial disputes between groups like KIA and TNLA.

Q: As a citizen, how do you feel?
A: I feel very stressed and insecure. It's like I'm always on edge, worried about my safety. We're always thinking, 'What if something happens to us?

Q: Are you still frightened when you hear sounds like a car tire popping?
A: Not really anymore. I mean, we hear those kinds of sounds all the time here.

Q: Is there frequent shooting in Muse?
A: Yes, shootings occur frequently.

Q: Are food, clothing, shelter, and security the main concerns of the people?
A: Yes, food, clothing, shelter, and security, as well as transportation. These are the main difficulties faced by the people of Muse during this time.

Q: How long has it been since residents could travel freely?
A: It’s been about a year since they could travel without restrictions.

Q: "It's a tight situation, right?"
A: "We can't use the roads. We can't travel. We'll have to rely on helicopters."

Q: "As a citizen, who do you think is the group that will attack the town?"
A: "I think it's the KIA. They really want Muse. They're just holding back. Even though they're holding back, they've already reached Panwa."

Q: In the case of Lashio, the locals had to flee when the fighting broke out. What about Muse, can they escape?
A: Honestly, I don't think so. Lashio had escape routes. Here, there are no more exits.
Thank you so much.

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