Mandalay region to support 200 MW wind power project amid energy crisis


Eain/Yoon (NP News) - Jan 16

Chief Minister of Mandalay Region U Myo Aung stated that necessary support will be provided in accordance with national policies to implement the 200 MW wind power project.

Mandalay Region Chief Minister U Myo Aung made this statement during a meeting with project officials on January 14th at the Regional Government Office's conference hall, where they discussed the implementation of the 200 MW wind power electricity project.

The government is actively pursuing diverse strategies to meet its growing electricity demand, including the development of renewable energy sources such as wind power projects.

The 200-megawatt Popa Wind Power Project, to be implemented in Kyaukpadaung Township, is one of eight wind power projects that have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Electric Power (MOEP). Each project is currently undergoing feasibility studies to assess the potential for generating electricity from wind energy in Myanmar.

Accordingly, the Mandalay Region Chief Minister assured that the regional government would provide necessary support, in accordance with national policies, to expedite the project's implementation.

The Ministry of Electric Power recently announced that the country, including Naypyidaw, is experiencing rotating blackouts due to the limited electricity generation capacity of only 2,200 megawatts per day, of which only about 50 percent can be distributed.

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