EVs to be charged for using road and bridge tolls


Phyo/ Yoon (NP News)- Mar 18

The Department of Highways under the Ministry of Construction has announced that electric vehicles (EVs) will be charged for using road and bridge tolls.

The Yangon-Mandalay Expre­ssway, as well as all other Union Roads and Region or State Roads and Bridges under the BOT system, have been exempted from the tolls for EVs starting from April 1, 2023.

The exemption was granted for a period of three years until March 31, 2025, which is now about to expire.

Therefore, Department of Highways has confirmed that EVs will start collecting road and bridge tolls from April 1.

"That's right. The exemption has been lifted. It was said to be for three years, so the exemption has been lifted since it has been three years. EVs will no longer be exempted. It will be lifted starting from April 1. It was decided and agreed at the EV meeting," an official from Department of Highways told the NP News.

However, according to inquiries within the EV industry, there has been no official announcement regarding the matter.

"People are posting on Facebook, but we haven't seen any official announcements. We will have to pay if the fees are collected. EVs have been given a grace period during which road and bridge tolls will not be charged, but this exemption won’t last long. As of now, we haven't made any official announce­ment," said a senior car entrepreneur.

EVs are exempt from taxes on city entrance fees, road use fees, overload charges, business licenses, overnight accommodation fees, property taxes, etc., including a 100 percent wheel tax exemption for vehicles initially registered from 2023 to 2025.

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