ASEAN envoy’s second visit brings beneficial moves – Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun


NP News - July 1
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)'s special envoy to Myanmar Prak Sokhonn’s second visit has brought benefits and is leading to a great move, Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun, the leader of the Information Team of the State Administration Council (SAC) told during the 17th press conference of the SAC held in Naypyidaw today.

“This visit brings benefits and is leading to a great move indeed,” said Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun regarding the outcome of the visit of the ASEAN Special Envoy.

The special envoy met with the cabinet members on June 30 and has plans to meet with National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Yar Pyae, the leader of the Peace Negotiation Committee and the Committee of Joint Ceasefire Monitoring on June 1.

After that, the ASEAN envoy Prak Sokhonn will also meet with high delegation representatives of the EAOs which attended the peace talk invited by the Army Chief including ALP, DKBA, KNU/KNLA –PC, PNLO, LDU, NMSP, and RCSS to discuss peace progress.

Prak Sokhonn arrived at the Yangon International Airport on June 29. His visit will end on July 3.

During the meeting with the ASEAN special envoy, the Myanmar government discussed progress regarding the five-point consensus of the ASEAN on Myanmar affair, terror plots and acts committed by the NUG-affiliated PDF, terrorist murders they committed against monks, civilians, teachers, security forces, and their destructive merits on the public buildings, situations related with opening of the schools, peace process meeting with the EAOs for the eternal peace, and humanitarian aids.

Major General Zaw Min Tun said, the Myanmar government takes that ‘Nothing is more important than the human lives.’

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