Explosion occurs in school from Moekaung, Kachin State


NP News - Aug 22
According to the Myanmar Police Forces, an explosion occurred inside a high school in Moekaung Township located in Kachin State.

The bombing occurred on August 20 at an estimated 8 am at No. (2) Basic Education High School located in Moekaung, Kachin State. A hand-made grenade exploded inside near the front verandah of the teachers’ lounge, police said.

Regarding civilian-targeted terrorist acts, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Services urged to conduct a thorough inspection of weapons-carrying vehicles.

The Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Services Vice-Senior General Soe Win urged the counter-terrorism forces to carry out an in-depth countercheck to find out weapons and ammunitions by terrorists.

Vice-Senior General Soe Win commended identifying and seizing the unlicensed vehicles at the checkpoints; in fact, weapons are mostly carried into cities by unlicensed vehicles.

He told this message during the meeting held recently on anti-illegal trade.

In terms of illegal goods, the largest number of seizures of drugs and weapons were found in Bago in July, and the number of seizures in the rest of the provinces was also high, Vice Senior General said.

In addition, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief urged staff of the counter-terrorism forces who are serving at the inspection gates to use all possible methods to detect, identify and seize the vehicles that carry explosive devices, weapons and drugs especially by using unlicensed vehicles.

Vice Senior General Soe Win said that it is particularly important to have a sense of individual security in identifying and arresting.

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