People’s Party raises question to ruling body on termination of bloodshed


Hsu / Myo Gyi (NP News) - Oct 19

People’s Party chairman Ko Ko Gyi, who was one of the 88 generation student leaders, raised a question to the State Administration Council how it will handle to end the current havoc by all sides as more than 7,000 civilians lost their life within almost two years.

He made this question during the office opening ceremony of the People’s Party in Naypyidaw on 15th October.

Ko Ko Gyi said, “More than 2,000 people lost their life in the protest and reportedly more than 700 people died during the interrogation. What most heartbreaking is that nearly 60 Sangha (Buddhist monks) were killed. Over 3,500 civilians were killed under alleged informers or spy (locally known as ‘Dalan’). No one takes responsibilities for their death and murder. Therefore, citizens are feeling unsafe and insecure day and night. How long will this havoc last? When will it be ended? How will these bloodsheds be terminated? These are the questions that I have to ask to all those who are responsible to this chaos.”

There are thousands of internally displaced people and many houses were burnt down nationwide.

The People’s Party chairman Ko Ko Gyi pointed that political problems weren’t solved through the political means but by terrorist courses and hard power.

He continued, “Therefore, who is the most responsible person for this current situation? I hereby say frankly that the SAC has the direct responsibility for these happenings. If the SAC fails to show promising political commitments, the expansion of armed conflicts and terrorists will be inevitable.”

The SAC has responsibility to recreate safer and more secure atmosphere in this situation for every citizen and to pave the way that will guarantee the ethnic equality and constructing federal union, Ko Ko Gyi said.

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