5 EAOs and SPTT agree on eight plans to be discussed in peace talks
Hsu / Myo Gyi (NP News) - Dec 28
Five Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) and the State Peace Talks Team (SPTT) agreed on the discussion of eight points at the peace talks.
The Peace Talks Team lead by Lt-Gen Yar Pyae and 5 NCA signatories EAOs met in Naypyidaw on December 27.
Pa-O National Liberation Organization-PNLO’s patron Phyar Tan Khun Okkar, Arakan Liberation Party-ALP’s vice-chair Saw Mra Yazar Linn, Democratic Karen Benevolent Army-DKBA’s chief commander Saw Steel, Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (Peace Council) -KNU/KNLA PC’s vice-chair Dr. Naw Kapaw Htoo and Lahu Democratic Union-LDU’s vice-chair Kyar Phu attended the peace talk invited by the State.
The State Administration Council released the statement that they agreed on eight plans to be discussed in the #peace_talks after making detail negotiations.
It is also reported that the negotiation and peace talks between 5 EAOs and the SPTT will go on today according to the agreed agenda.
On 19 December, the SAC’s National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) invited seven NCA signatories namely RCSS, NMSP, DKBA, ALP, PNLO, LDU and KUN/KNLA- PC to hold the peace talks on December 27-29.
However, Restoration Council for Shan State and New Mon State Party did not attend this time peace talk.
The NSPNC offered to hold discussion concerning with points that are required to be amended and other points from EAOs’ side constitutionally.