Myanmar ethnic armed forces coalition ‘FPNCC’ welcomes China’s mediation on peace


Hsu/ Myo Gyi (NP News) – Mar 17

The Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (#FPNCC) reveals its appreciation on the Chinese’s arbitration for #Myanma’s_internal_conflicts.

The FPNCC was established by northern ethnic armed organizations as the coalition committee. It made the abovementioned remark on 16th March in the statement that was released after FPNCC coordination meeting convened in Pangkham (aka) Panghsang located in Wa territory on March 15 and 16.

According to the FPNCC statement, the representatives discussed topics on escalating the internal conflicts that was emerged after 2021 political transition and internal and external affairs relating to Covid-19.

It is also stated that the matters relating to organizational structures of individual armed organizations were presented and they also gave remarks on their priorities during the meeting.

For the country’s internal affairs, the FPNCC assumed that establishment of a Federal Democratic Union in collaboration with ethnic minority people in border areas and mainland Myanmar is an essential requirement.

In spite of having various approaches to materialize the objectives, the resources and capacities from ethnic minority people will play the instrumental role in implementation of those objectives, the statement expresses.

The expression of gratification toward Chinese government for their unattached and unconditional assistance to overcome the ongoing challenges during Covid-19 pandemic was also highlighted in the FPNCC’s statement.

The FPNCC, as per the statement, will continue their multisectoral cooperation with Chinese government in the matters relating to stability of the border areas, health care, social welfares, immigration and transportations.

At the FPNCC meeting, leaders from United Wa State Army (UWSA), Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), Shan State East Special Region 4 Peace and Solidarity Committee (PSC), Shan State Progress Party (SSPP), Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party (MNTJP), United League of Arakan (ULA), and Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF) attended the meeting in Pangkham.

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