PDF explodes again Yangon-Mandalay railway


NP News - Oct 26

According to the news released by the Statr Administration Council (SAC), the Yangon -Mandalay train route and stations were sabotaged again by the PDF terrorists.

It has been at least 120 times of railways and stations sabotages by the PDF so far.

The incident took place on 24th October at an estimated 11:50 pm.

The explosion occured at mile post No. 104/0-1 between bridge No. 146 and 147 located in Kyauktaga Township, Bago Region.

Train schedules had to temporarily suspend due to the damages.

As per reports, it has been a total of 128 bombings by PDF in railways and stations; 45 sabotages against railway bridges and 12 arson attacks on housings of railway department staff.

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