Rakhine State Gov arranges for safely return for Sittwe Uni students after exam


NP News – Nov 20

It is reported that the Rakhine State Government is conducting necessary arrangements for ensuring a safe trip of returning of over 10,000 students from Sittwe University after their exams.

Since students at Sittwe University who specialized in Myanmarsar (Myanmar language), History and Economic subjects are sitting examinations, the Rakhine State government carries out processes and arrangements via both waterway and land transportation for them to safely go back to their native places.

The state government escorted the students on 19 November who will return to Rathedaung, Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships by watercrafts.

The Rakhine State Chief Minister Htein Linn and his team accompanied and sent off the students to the jetty.

The Rakhine insurgent group Arakan Army resumed the armed assaults in Rakhine State on 13th November. Due to the creation of armed conflict, people in Rakhine State are now encountering high commodity prices and difficulties in transportation.

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