Tatmadaw reclaims Mone Town and affirms security of the city


Khit / Pearl (NP News) – Dec 7

The State Administration Council (SAC) released the statement that Tatmadaw returned fully control over Mone Town and has been conducting security activities within the city.

Allied terrorist group of KNLA and PDF with approximately 1,500 troops attacked the territorial battalions in Mone Town located in Kyaukgyi, Bago Region and destroyed the bridge at the entrance of the city. Therefore, the armed clashes were broken out since military officers, soldiers, and female troops of the Myanmar Military defended the city battalion. The clash was tense till afternoon of 4 December.

The SAC stated that although the terrorists retreated at first with many losses; then, they reinforced and attacked the military base with massive troops on 4 December. The Tatmadaw withdrew in order to save the families who were evacuated to a safe place with air transport assistance.

On the morning of December 5, the terrorists retreated to the eastern part of Mone city since the military used air bombardment of heavy weapons during the attacks.

“The terrorists retreated to the northern and eastern parts of Mone Town. We followed them to fight and oppress them. They know how many died in their side. I don’t want to say that figure with happy mode. However, we all are the Myanmar citizens,” Major General said.

However, Tatmadaw will resolutely crush as long as they are destructing the public’s properties, transportations and socio-economic lives, he added.

At present, the military columns have recaptured the territorial battalion in Mone where the terrorists have temporarily entered, and the security activities in Mone are continuing.

After the clashes, Tatmadaw seized the terrorists’ corpuses including weapons and is making efforts to rescue the officers and soldiers abducted by terrorists during the attacks.

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