Statistic research on 8 exiled media circulating fake news


NP News - July 9

The NP News has researched monthly statistics of spreading misinformation by the exiled news organizations.

This is the monthly survey (from 21 May 2024 to 20 June 2024) on exiled subversive media that are fabricating misinformation, fake news, and spreading propaganda to mislead the public in Myanmar. Among them, the worst eight subversive media are BBC, VOA, RFA, DVB, The Irrawaddy, Mizzima, Myanmar Now, and Khit Thit.

They spread the news by means of the following:
(a) Fabricating news with inaccu-
rate facts and figures
(b) Instigating conflicts
(c) Covering terror acts of NUG/
PDF and
(d) Others

The RFA Burmese exiled subversive media has circulated 17 news (a total of 523 news in a month) daily. Among them, 43 percent of those news stimulated conflicts; 4 percent of others covered up the terror acts of NUG/PDF; 14 percent of news were reported without accurate facts or data and 23 percent were others.

The BBC has fabricated eight news (a total of 259 news in the month) per day. Among them, 27 percent of news sparked the current crisis in Myanmar; 10 percent of news covered up the terror acts of NUG/PDF; 13 percent reported without accurate facts or data; and 47 percent of news was about others.

Also, the VOA Burmese, the subversive media, has spread eight news (a total of 238 news in June) for a day. In which, 31 percent of news sparked conflicts; 18 percent of news covered up the terror acts of NUG/PDF; 11 percent reported without accurate facts or data and 38 percent were others.

The DVB, also a subversive media, circulates 21 news (a total of 630 news in the month) daily. Of those circulated news, 24 percent of news manipulated conflicts, three percent of news covered up the terrorist acts of NUG/PDF; 30 percent reported without accurate facts or data; and 40 percent were others.

In addition, Myanmar Now has spread five news (a total of 161 news) per day. Among those circulated news, 48 percent of the news sparked conflicts, 23 percent of news covered up NUG/PDF’s terror acts, and 27 percent were others.
What is more, Khit Thit subversive media also fabricated 37 news (a total of 1170 news last month) daily stating 37 percent of news encouraged conflicts, 17 percent of news stated without accurate facts or data, 30 percent of news covered up terrorist acts of NUG/PDF and 14 percent were others.

Also, the Irrawaddy circulated eight news (a total of 232 news in June) per day stating 28 percent of news triggered conflicts, 15 percent of news was without accurate facts or data, 21 percent covered up for NUG/PDF and 34 percent were others.

The Mizzima has also spread 15 news (a total of 464 news in a month) for a day. Among them, 19 percent of news covered up terror acts of NUG/PDF, 31 percent of news sparked conflicts, 6 percent of news stated without accurate facts or data and 32 percent were others.

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