Displaced residents return to war-torn Loikaw amidst reconstruction


Khit / Thant Zin (NP News) - Aug 21

According to an inquiry by The Statesman News Journal, the restoration of Loikaw, a city in Kayah State, has been successfully implemented, and many displaced residents are returning.

On 11 November 2023, the KNDF (Karenni Nationalities Defence Force) and the PDF terrorists launched a major offensive named "Operation 1111" to capture Loikaw, the capital of Kayah state.

Due to such provocations, intense clashes erupted between the Tatmadaw and the KNDF joint force. Consequently, state government employees fled their offices to seek safety.

Months after the fighting began, it was learned that the Tatmadaw had regained control of Loikaw and that the administrative machinery of the Kayah State government is now operating again.

During the military assaults carried out by the KNDF and PDF, approximately 70% of Loikaw city was damaged due to the fighting. Although most of the displaced local residents have not yet been able to fully return to their homes, it is known that many city dwellers and some government employees have returned to live there.

"Restoration efforts have progressed significantly in Loikaw, with most residents returning and markets bustling once again. Essential services like telecommunications, electricity, and water supply have been restored," a resident reported.

While many displaced residents are returning to Loikaw, some neighborhoods near the university remain inaccessible due to unexploded landmines planted by the KNDF and its allies. Local authorities have restricted access to these areas until they can be cleared.

It is reported that the urban warfare initiated by the combined KNDF forces in Loikaw resulted in significant damage to civilian homes and government offices. As a result, the city is currently undergoing a reconstruction phase, with some government offices being rebuilt.

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