KIO and its partner to launch jade exploration at Mazutyan Middle School


Lynn/ Thuta Kyaw (NP News)- Oct 29

A resident informed the NP News that the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) and a partner company are preparing to mine for jade at Mazutyan Middle School in the Hpakan Township of Kachin State, where around 600 students are receiving their education.

The school is located in the Lonkhin village group of the Hpakant Township and features solid classroom facilities, covering approximately eight acres. Recently, the school doors were opened and the desks were moved to a nearby Kachin traditional office compound on October 21. Due to their fears of KIO, the residents did not voice any complaints.

As a result, teachers and students had to conduct classes without desks and instead sat on the floor. It was reported on the evening of October 23 that they are now teaching at the Kachin traditional office.

A resident stated, “Mining for ordinary stones shouldn’t be a problem. However, the KIO should not allow mining operations near a school where children are learning. The area where the school is built covers about six acres, and the entire school compound is around eight acres. If they intend to mine there, even one acre is worth at least 40 million kyats. They should purchase the land and mine elsewhere.”

The local source firmly stated that the internet in Hpakant Township is currently down and that the KIO has informed teachers that they have received permission to mine.

“When they say they can mine, the teachers are scared because it’s the KIO. If they oppose it, they might face death threats. So, they are teaching on the floor in the traditional office instead. That’s the situation,” he explained.

According to the reports, the company that will mine for jades at the school site in partnership with the KIO is the 111 Company. However, this information has not yet been confirmed.

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