A new flower species Globba zwegabinensis discovered in Zwegabin mountain


Hsu/ Saw (NP News) - Jan 15
Native Species Conservation & Identification has reported the discovery of a new flower species found only in Myanmar's Zwegabin Mountain.
This newly discovered flower species has been named Globba zwegabinensis after the mountain where it was first found. Globally, there are approximately 140 species of Globba flowers, and Myanmar has now documented about 28 species, including this newly discovered Zwegabin Globba. According to NSCI, there may be more undiscovered species.
"If you see a plant similar to this one in other areas, please understand that it is a different species. With around 28 species, they might look similar but they are different. We have thoroughly searched and proven that this species only exists in Zwegabin. The 28 species is just based on the current records we have. There could be more species, and there may be others that have not yet been named," said Native Species Conservation & Identification.
While most wild Globba flowers grow at lower altitudes, the Zwegabin Globba thrives in limestone areas at an altitude of about 700 meters (2,296 feet). During the rainy season, this flower species collects water and nutrients, which it uses to survive during the hot summer months.
Kayin State is known for its rich biodiversity, with various limestone mountains, streams, waterfalls, and forests. These natural features have made it a heaven for a wide variety of plants and animals.