Plans underway to build factory in Yangon to produce diesel from waste plastic


Eain / Pearl (NP News) - Feb 28

Entrepreneur U Thant Zin Tun told The Statesman that plans are processing to build a factory that will produce diesel from waste plastic.

U Thant Zin Tun, who designed and built a machine locally that can produce diesel from waste plastic, has already tested and operated small factories that actually work, and has also attracted interest from investors.

The technology is designed to produce diesel oil by heating the waste and then filtering it through a series of steps, and the production process is designed to be environmentally friendly.

“We are trying to build a factory in Thanlyin, Yangon Region, and also to implement it by March. The initial investment is estimated at 5,000 million. The project aims to produce fuel from plastic waste, which will be one of the solutions to the plastic waste generated in the environment. It will also partially solve the fuel shortage that Myanmar is currently facing,” said U Thant Zin Tun.

The diesel oil from waste plastic waste will be produced as a quality similar to that currently sold in the market. The company aims to produce 100 to 150 barrels of oil per month in the initial months, and later, it aims to produce 500 to 600 barrels per month.

“The latest technology we have considered will ensure that the quality of diesel fuel available in the market is maintained. The price is affordable. It is more than half the price of fuel available outside. We are considering producing it at a more affordable price,” U Thant Zin Tun continued.

Domestically, some fuels, including diesel, have experienced shortages in some regions and states, including the major cities of Yangon and Mandalay, and there have been frequent incidents of cars waiting in line at fuel stations to purchase fuel.

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