Over 10 thousand IDPs seek shelters in PNLO controlled area


Hsu / Kyaw (NP News) - Dec 6

As of December 5, over ten thousand internally displaced persons (IDPs) are seeking refuge at the territories controlled by the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), as reported by Khun Htun, the PNLO Liaison Officer in Hsihseng City.

The IDPs have sought refuge in camps within PNLO-controlled territories, including Hsihseng, Banyin, Nogmung, Hsaikhkawng, Nawnghtaw, and other related areas, according to reports.

We are setting up temporary shelters to accommodate those recently arrived at the IDP camps. Presently, the count exceeds 10,000 individuals, representing diverse races and religions," reported PNLO Liaison Officer Khun Htun.

The majority of refugees arriving in the PNLO area are individuals who fled due to the hostilities in Kayah State.

"Some are originally from Bawlakhe, where they initially sought refuge in Loikaw. Subsequently, hostilities erupted again in Loikaw, so they have to relocate once more to the refugee camps within our PNLO-based territories," explained Khun Htun.

Although the number of IDPs is continuously increasing, the PNLO has no plan to expand additional IDP camps yet. However, food supplies are being regularly delivered and distributed to them.

Furthermore, PNLO's headquarters and other donors are making arrangements to regularly supply enough rice bags, edible oil, and other foodstuffs for a two-week period to those seeking refuge at the camps.

Likewise, he mentioned that residents in the PNLO territories also contribute foodstuffs and clothes to support the IDPs.

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