Typical Features of Myanmar Ancient Ladies


Caption - Hairdos of Myanmar ancient ladies in Ad 800 to 1300

khit (NP News) - Dec 25

Myanmar ancient women have their beauty with unique since AD 100. But now a day, their styles of costume designs, hairstyles and other related accessories were become showcase at museum as the change of time. Highlighting the culture of their unique beauty starts with their hairstyle. There were 55 types of hairdos which were popular in AD 800 to 1300. A Decorative band is worn on the forehead and a tight bracelet is worn around the arm. An embroidered shawl is worn over the shoulders.

Caption - Costume of royal princess

Regarding to the costume designs

Through the history, there has always been significant differences among royal, nobles and ordinary people in every country. In Myanmar, the royal Myanmar women wore long draped and wrapped garment in design with a very architectural structure – upward peaks, cloud collars, winged element that made robes and headdresses look like goddess. The queen robes of State decorated with velvet, silk, gold braid, silver-gilt tinsel, sequins and gold lace. This form of dress design can be found in the history records of Konbaung dynasty period.

Caption - Royal court costume for princess

Caption - Royal court costume for princess

Caption - Myanmar lady in a full costume of Luntaya Acheik

For the classes of rich people, cotton is the basic material elegant materials like silk are popular for special occasions. For the upper part of the body, the wave curved at the waist, 2 layers of cotton to cover the chest. Htamein which is also called Longyi is a long piece with 4.5 feet (1.4m) for the lower part of body wear. Waves of ocean textile pattern decorated with sequins and gold lace called Acheik Longyi which is Myanmar Ladies’ favorite longyi design in those eras. There is another popular longyi which is very expensive and valuable clothing. It is Luntaya Acheik which literally means a "hundred shuttles," refers to the time-consuming, expensive, and complex process of weaving this pattern, which requires using 50 to 200 individual shuttles, each wound with a different color of silk. Therefore, people gave this Luntaya Acheik each other as gifts to show their honor and respects.

Caption - Cave painting showing Myanmar ancient Luntaya Acheik

Caption - ancient pattern of Luntaya Acheik

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