Monk killed by PDF terrorist gunshot in Myittha


NP News - Sep 19

According to sources close to the security forces, a monk was shot and killed by a PDF group in Myittha Township, Mandalay Region, and his motorcycle, phone, and money were taken.

The incident reportedly occurred Monday (September 16) around 10 am on the Kume-Kintar road, situated between Maezelpinthar and Kasun Villages in Myittha Township.

While a 62-year-old monk U Kaw Vida, who had been ordained three times, at the "Sanda Mayarama" monastery in Kharutot Village, was traveling on a motorcycle to Kume Town with U Min Thein, who lived in the same village, three PDF terrorists followed him on two motorcycles and shot and killed him.

As a result of the shooting, monk U Kaw Vida sustained multiple gunshot wounds and died at the scene. Reports indicate that the terrorists also took a motorcycle, a phone, and 150,000 kyats in cash.

Therefore, security forces are currently investigating to identify and apprehend the perpetrators in order to take effective legal action against them.

Since February 2021, over 100 monks and three nuns have been killed due to acts of violence across the country.

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