Four Civilians in Singu, Mandalay abducted and killed by PDF terrorists


NP News – Sep 20

Myanmar Police Force released the news that a gang of terrorists intruded into a restaurant located in Singu Township in Mandalay and abducted four including the owner of the restaurant and killed them.

That extrajudicial killing took place at the Ngwe Taung village in Singu Township in Mandalay Region on 17th September.

The terrorist group arrived at the restaurant called “Ga Day Su” and the owner namely Thein Zaw aged 49, his wife Thae Nu Nge aged 48, the workers Khin Maung Chinn aged 43 and Lwin Lwin Htay aged 42 were abducted.

After that, Thein Zaw, the owner of the restaurant, was killed near Ngwe Taung Village and the other three were killed near Nyaung Ywan village. All of them were found dead with bullet wounds.

Similarly, Kyaw Min Oo aged 29 and Myo Naing aged 49 living in Htan Ta Pin village, Ngan Zun Township were also abducted by 8 terrorists while they were looking for firewood in the eastern part of the village. After that they were shot dead by those terrorists.

The security forces released the news that they are doing necessary investigations to be able to take action on these criminals.

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