3 northern alliance group conducts ‘Operation 1027’ that raids security outposts in northern Shan State unexpectedly


Hsu/ Munich (NP News) – Oct 27

Three northern alliance group that includes the Arakan Army (AA), Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), initiated an attack on security posts in Northern Shan state under the title of Operation 1027.

On the 27th of October at 4 am, the allied group launched a coordinated attack on security outposts in Chinshwehaw, Laukkaing, Theinni, Kunlong, and Lashio townships within Northern Shan State.

The spokesperson of the State Administration Council, Major General Zaw Min Tun, informed NP News, "At approximately 4 am this morning, armed conflicts erupted in Chinshwehaw, Laukkaing, and Theinni. In Chinshwehaw, around four security outposts were targeted with aerial bombardments by drop bombs. Additionally, two locations in Kunlong also experienced drop bomb attacks. Furthermore, three security outposts near the western area of Laukkaing were subjected to similar assaults."

Additionally, there are reports of an attack on the prison gate in Chinshwehaw and the security personnel guarding the towers. Consequently, some of the security members lost their lives in the assault.

Major General Zaw Min Tun further stated, "Some security members who were stationed at the prison gate in Chinshwehaw and guard towers at the security outposts lost their lives."

The SAC spokesperson also reported that the alliance group forcibly entered Chinshwehaw, taking hotel staff and civilians hostage and subsequently abducting them into the "Wa" Special Region 2.

"They infiltrated Chinshwehaw and entered a hotel owned by one of the leaders of the Kokang Special Region. Subsequently, they seized the hotel staff and civilians before departing for "Wa" Special Region 2. We are currently engaged in negotiations with "Wa" to secure the release of the hostages," he explained.

The attacks on security outposts in Chinshwehaw, Kunlong, and Laukkaing were orchestrated by one of the Kokang Ethnic Armed Groups, the MNDAA. As of now, the MNDAA is said to have gained control over certain areas situated between Chinshwehaw and Kunlong Township.

Similarly, around 4 am, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Arakan Army (AA) also assaulted two places in Lashio Township.

The spokesperson went on to say, "Additionally, two locations on the eastern outskirts of Lashio came under attack. In the case of Lashio, the assault is reported to have been launched by the TNLA and AA."

Due to the assaults, the tollgate in Lashio was destroyed and some of the civilians’ properties were also damaged.

As a result of the assaults and attacks, flights from Yangon to Lashio were temporarily suspended.

The spokesperson stated that the Myanmar Military is currently working to restore security in the areas affected by those attacks.

" Chinshwehaw is situated in close proximity to the China-Myanmar border, and they are making concerted efforts to ensure safety and stability of the border region through coordination with China," he added.

Major General Zaw Min Tun responded, "Since February 9, 2015, the MNDAA has been consistently active in the Laukkaing region, resulting in a decline in the stability of the area. What I want to emphasize is that as long as the MNDAA continues its operations in this region, peace and stability in the border area will remain elusive. Hence, we must maintain our safety and security measures."

The assault namely ‘Operation 1027’ taken place in northern Shan State had led to causalities of many civilians and security members.

The three alliance group designated their offensive as "Operation 1027".

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