Crunchy strawberry prices surge despite harvest season


NP News - Feb 12

Crunchy strawberry (Taiwan + Japan) prices surged in January 2024 during the harvesting season, according to Myanmar Trade Promotion Organization (Mandalay).

The opening price of crunchy strawberries from Taiwan and Japan began at 10,000 kyats per viss in January of this year. Merchants report that the price of Taiwanese sweet fruit was 12,000 kyats per viss last year and has risen to 13,000 kyats per viss this year. Local fruits and other varieties have not yet been harvested, and the market has not yet opened.

It is reported that during the 5-month period of strawberry harvesting, prices tend to decrease, with last year's figures dropping to as low as 8,000-7,000-5,500 kyats per viss.

According to farmers and merchants, prices drop when the fruits are harvested due to an increase in supply compared to demand.

Although the export market has not yet been able to distribute to foreign countries, the produce is being distributed within the domestic market as fruit, jam, wine, etc., and is also reaching various regions, states, and cities within the country.

In PyinOoLwin Township, strawberries are planted between September and October and harvested from January to May. Cultivated across 235 acres, the yield per acre is reported to be 968.19 viss, with an estimated expense of around 4,500,000 kyats per acre.

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