Nearly 60 Buddhist monks attacked during Myanmar's Spring Revolution


Tun MT (NP News) - May 14
A total of 43 Buddhist monks, one Buddhist novice, and a Buddhist nun have been brutally killed by the terrorists under 'different isms' allegedly as 'Informers/ military supporters/ or Dalans (traitors)'; nine monks and one novice were injured from the attacks, and five monks have been still missing since mid-2021 in Myanmar during Spring Revolution conducted by anti-military people.

The abovementioned figure is updated till May 13, 2022.

Most terrorist attacks on Buddhist monks occurred in Sagaing Region and Magwe Region.

A total of 18 monks were brutally murdered; one got injured, and four are missing in Sagaing Region while a total of 11 monks were killed; two were seriously injured and one is missing in Magwe Region during the country's 2021 crisis period, according to the data until May 12, 2022.

In most terror plots on Buddhist monks, the terrorists who named themselves as '2021 crisis Revolutionists' declared that they committed the plots.

Most victims are the full-fledged monks or the presiding Sayardaws with old ages having resided many years of monkhood.

Sagaing, Magwe, and Mandalay regions undoubtedly are the religious centers in Myanmar where Buddha sasana is the most bloomed. Sagaing, with its hills and valleys, numerous temples, and caves dedicated to the Buddha is the best place for meditation, learning the Buddha's teachings, and fulfilling the religious goals with noiseless and peaceful.

Many venerable Buddhist Sayardaws were born or learned the Buddha's teachings or resided their monkhood mostly in Mandalay, Sagaing, and Magwe regions throughout the history until the present time.

Sadly though, the two religious centers in Myanmar - Sagaing and Magwe regions - become terror targets committed terror attacks on Buddhist monks by the terrorist PDFs.

A renowned Rakhine leader Dr. Aye Maung remarks regarding those terror attacks on Buddhist monks, "We hereby request to those who are backing the criminals to stop contaminating our country's cultures and religion under the title of 'political crisis'. Committing terror attacks on Buddhist monks is awful and wicked for a Buddhist country."

The aforementioned figure must be added as per the announcement released by the State Administration Council on May 13, 2022, that one novice is killed; two full-fledged Sayardaws, another novice, and one layperson were injured on May 13 evening under the explosion blasted by the heavy weapon within the renowned Mya Thein Tan monastery located in Sagaing Regions Pale Township.

The blast was hit by the PDFs directing to Pale city with the handmade mortars yesterday (May 13). The weapon tube dropped and exploded within the compound of Mya Thein Tan monastery killing and injuring the livings at the monastery.

Injured monks (Sayardaws), the novice, and the layperson were brought to the local military hospital by the Myanmar military to provide medical treatments.

Myanmar's most prolonged Buddhist association named 'Young Men Buddhist Association' YMBA's headquarters located in Yangon was attacked twice within an evening during the previous Water Festival by the PDFs.

Additionally, chairs of the YMBA's subdivisions, Taikyi Township from Yangon and Paung Township from Mon State, were shot to death in November and October 2021 respectively.

Many murders beyond the reach of the news media happened in the country during the Spring Revolution.


Myitzu Aye

15/05/2022 10:42

Only buddhist monks were killed by PDF terrorist...


Aung Mying Win

15/05/2022 13:19

I extremely condemn.

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