104 illegal Bengalis seized in Pathein District


NP News - May 30
A total of 104 illegal Bengalis were caught at the Yaynathar checkpoint located on the bank of Ngathaingchaung-Gwa Road in Yaykyi township, Pathein District, Ayeyarwady Region on May 27 evening.

The illegal aliens were brought on three 6-wheeler trucks from Gwa Township, Rakhine State heading to Yangon.

“The incident took place at around 3 pm on May 27 at the immigration checkpoint. There are 104 illegal Bengalis altogether involving 58 males and 46 females. They are now detained at Ngathaingchaung police station. Currently, drivers have been opened file at the station,” a police officer from Ngathaingchaung police station told the NP News.

The immigration department is investigating to carry out a prosecution against the alien Bengalis, the police officer added.

“Approximately 100 Bengalis were arrested in three dump trucks. Since the trucks are very high, they were sat inside and covered with tarpaulins,” a local said.

Bengali aliens were brought from Gwa Township, Rakhine State to Yangon. The agent reportedly receives 7.5 million MMK (USD 4000 estimate) for each Bengali for carrying them to Yangon.


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