Peace steering team to ask ASEAN envoy to catalyze for having all-inclusive talk


NP News- June 30
NCA signatory groups’ Peace Process Steering Team plans to urge Prak Sokhonn, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)'s special envoy to Myanmar to facilitate the country’s political atmosphere to have all-inclusive in the talks and to restore the nationwide peace dialogue, Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, the spokesperson of the PPST said.

Ethnic armed forces and Prak Sokhonn will meet in Naypyidaw on July 1.

This possible meeting is expected to be an arranged meeting between the special envoy and the EAOs that have attended the peace talk invited by the Chief Army Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, he said.

When meeting with the special envoy, the PPST will discuss which role the EAOs can be involved in such agendas as humanitarian aid and protecting civilians, Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt added.

DKBA, KNU/KNLA-PC, PNLO, NMSP, ALP, RCSS/SSA, LDU, UWSP (Wa), NDAA (Mongla), and SSPP/SSA have confirmed attending the SAC’s peace invitation made on April 22. Eight groups have met with the State Administration Council and signed agreements.


Saw Chit Thu Maung

30/06/2022 13:24

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Nyi Nyi

02/07/2022 04:40



Nyi Nyi

02/07/2022 04:40


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