Six including 13-year old girl died in anarchic shooting in Gangaw of Magwe; terrorists take properties


NP News - Aug 23
The armed insurgents which take footholds in Saw town located in Gangaw District of Magwe Region named ‘Yaw Defense Force (YDF) shot and killed six unarmed civilians and took indoor properties and two cars that are owned by the victims, State Administration Council announced information.
The incident took place on August 21 at an estimated 9 pm in Zayar residential ward located in Saw town. When the victim family was watching television at their home, approximately 15 YDF members entered the home garden and shot the family, according to the SAC.
During the terror incident, the breadwinner of the victim family Khin Maung Lin, his wife Yin Wai, daughter-in-law Khin Mar Thet, granddaughter Thet Thet Aye, younger brother Zaw Htay and friend (of same villager) Aung Thein Win were shot and died at the scene.
Khin Maung Kyi who lives in the same village injured by the gunshots. The terrorist group YDF took two vehicles that were parked in the garden by force.
Not only the cars, but the terror group also took phones, gold decorated pieces of jewelry, and other properties.
Local anti-government insurgents condemned the terror incident committed by the YDF in an anarchic way since one underage girl was killed in the incident and properties and materials were taken by the YDF.