Court approves Aung San’s elder son’s right to claim inheritance


NP News - Aug 24
The Union Supreme Court has approved the special appeal for half share of No. 54 house and garden submitted by Aung San Oo, the elder son of General Aung San.
The house and garden is located on University Avenue Road in Yangon.
Aung San Oo is the eldest son of General Aung San. He filed a special appeal to Naypyidaw Union Supreme Court on January 11, 2019 claiming the right to get half share of the property.
Chief Justice of the Union Supreme Court Tun Tun Oo, associate justices of the Court of Special Appeals in Naypyidaw including Aung Zaw Thein, Tin Hone, Thaung Naing, and Thein Ko Ko made the verdict on August 22 to approve Aung San Oo’s claim to possess half share the house and garden.
The renowned No. 54 house and garden is the place where Suu Kyi resided during her house-arrest term.
General Aung San’s wife Khin Kyi divided three shares of the property before she died; one goes to Aung San Oo, one goes to Aung San Suu Kyi, and the remaining to her nephew.