108 corruption cases disclosed by SAC after taking office


Khit/ Myo Gyi (NP News) – Aug 25

State Administration Council’s Anti-Corruption Commission revealed that a total of 108 corruption cases in which the State lost over 250b Ks. and over 13m dollar were disclosed.

The Anti-Corruption Commission issued the statement on August 23.

It was weak at identification of corruption cases in previous government despite of leads, the commission said.

According to the commission statement, there were only three cases that were prosecuted within 2019 to end of January 2021; in which 20m Ks and 255,930.69 Euro were disclosed that the State had lost.

There are 186 cases under penal code and 45 general crimes that have been disclosed and filed cases at courts from February 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022.

Union cabinet ministers, States/Regions cabinet members, and officers involved the corruption cases by misuse of their departmental or political ranks and powers in the projects including government projects, construction works, breaching financial rules and regulations, breaching of the contract terms that made with the State, violation of existing laws, seeking one’s own advantage, and abuse of the State’s land assets, according to the statement released by the Anti-Corruption Commission.

The State lost 259,670b Ks. and 13,326,746b dollars in those 108 corruption cases.

Former ministers including the former state counselor Aung San Suu Kyi have been filed against corruption by the SAC.

What is more, a total of 22 persons including two from the positions of current political power, six senior officers, eight officers and six other ranks who were appointed by the SAC administration were also charged under corruption.

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