Rebels’ artillery shelling lands in Bangladesh


Tun MT (NP News) - Sep 17

Rakhine ethnic armed group ‘Arakan Army’ known as AA attacked the government’s border guard police outposts together with Bengali terrorists group ‘ARSA’ these days. The rebels’ artillery shelling against the police outposts reached over and landed in Bangladesh.

Joint forces of the Arakan Army and the ARSA fired Border Post BP-31 Taungpyowe Police Outpost by artilleries from the position of 21°10'59.31"N latitude and 92°12'16.06"E longitude on September 16 at an estimated 7:30 pm. Three artilleries shelled by the rebels reached over the borderline fence and landed on Bangladesh's side at 21°11'3.02"N latitude and 92°10'20.91"E longitude.

Again on September 16 at an estimated 8:10 pm and on September 17 at dawn, the Rakhine and Bangali rebels shelled Border Post BP-34 Taungpyoyar Police Outpost from the abovementioned position. The shelling reached over the targeted outpost again and landed on the Bangladesh side- three artilleries at 21°12'8.52"N latitude and 92°11'54.19"E longitude; two artilleries at 21°12'0.37"N latitude and 92°11'54.75"E longitude; one artillery at 21°12'8.53"N latitude and 92°11'56.10"E longitude; and three artilleries at 21°12'24.80"N latitude and 92°11'56.01"E longitude respectively.

The joint armed forces of the Arakan Army and Bengali terrorist ARSA frequently ambushed, raided with mass excessive numbers of troops, and fired by mortars lately, especially this month.

The joint rebels attacked Border Post BP-40 on September 1 with mass excessively outnumbered troop forces. The rebel troops were nearly 500 forces while the border guard police forces were only twenty at the outpost. Tatmadaw reinforcement troops failed to help the small outpost to defend.

Reports say Bangladesh provides shelters for both AA and ARSA on its territory, no doubt that backing their insurgency against the Myanmar government.

Currently, Chairman of the State Administration Council and Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing invited, on April 22, 2022, the leaders of ethnic armed forces to discuss peace and termination of armed conflicts.

Seven NCA-signatory EAOs including Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA), Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), KNU/KNLA Peace Council, New Mon State Party (NMSP), Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), and Lahu Democratic Union (LDU), and three NCA non-signatory EAOs including United Wa State Army (UWSA), National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA-Mongla) and Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) attended the first-round peace talks separately in May, June, and July.

Currently, the government delegation and the abovementioned EAO delegations are holding the second-round peace talks in groups respectively since August.

The Arakan Army is affiliated with Kachin Independence Army (KIA). The KIA currently fosters the PDFs for proxy civil war in Sagaing Region territorially connected with Kachin State and Indian borderline by providing them terror training and military equipment.


Htun Aung Kyaw

17/09/2022 22:01

In this news, I think the English version is more informative.


drlwin lwin mar oo

18/09/2022 06:26


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