Naypyidaw plans to hold Walking Thingyan in Water Festival


NP News - Feb 24
A preliminary meeting was held in Naypyidaw to organize festival for the coming Thingyan. The meeting highlighted to convene the festival to depict the traditions and cultural spirit of Myanmar; singing, dancing with traditional musical instruments; and #Walking_Thingyan are planned to be involved.
The meeting was held on February 22 at 10:00 a.m. at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Information in Naypyidaw.
It will be the first time Walking Thingyan in Naypyidaw, according to Union Minister.
Most cultural-related festivals in Myanmar including Water Festival were suspended in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic; again in 2021, the festivals could not be celebrated due to the political tension.
On the other hand, the #terrorist group NUG/CRPH/PDF and their affiliated entities are deceiving, sometimes threatening, the public not to participate in Thingyan and other cultural related festivals.
In 2022, the GSCB (General Strike Coordination Body) announced to the public to boycott and not to involve in the Myanmar traditional Water Festival. However, the 2022 Water Festival was held under tight security by the Tatmadaw safeguarding the public from terror plots.