Padoh Saw Shwe Maung believes NCA is the best approach to peace


Khit/ Munich (NP News) – March 3

Karen National Union’s Kawkareik District Chairperson Padoh Saw Shwe Maung stated that there is no such better approach than the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) on the way to peace.
There were ten ethnic armed forces that signed the NCA during U Thein Sein administration and the National League for Democracy ruling administration; and the peace talks and peace processes were conducted.
Although some EAOs continue talking peace with the current State Administration Council (SAC), some have derailed from the NCA path.

Padoh Saw Shwe Maung said, “Most entities at the time being are willing for conflicts and instability. They want to take revenge based on their emotion. It isn’t good. It won’t produce a good solution, never. In my opinion, we all need to find solution through all-inclusive dialogue by the citizens. If we don’t face to each other and we don’t talk; and we continue fighting, the conditions will be worse.”

He also said, “Nothing is better than the NCA according to my experience. The NCA is the best way for us. It has been faded because there are difficulties in practicing it. Most think the NCA isn’t a good way despite lack of effective implementation. In my view, if we continue the NCA, there are many good potentialities and development for our country.”

Among the NCA-signatory groups, the Restoration Council for Shan State, Arakan Liberation Party, Democratic Karen Buddhist Army, Lahu Democratic Union, KNU/ KNLA- Peace Council, New Mon State Party and Pa-O National Liberation Organization continue discussing peace with the SAC. Remaining others involving Karen National Union, Chin National Front and All Burma Students Democratic Front are exchanging fire with the Tatmadaw.
As a matter of fact, the NCA is a peace-oriented treaty. In the previous 8th Anniversary of the NCA, India and Thailand urged the relevant parties to uphold the terms and conditions of it.

What is more, the SAC has been steadily continuing to follow the NCA frameworks and invited the EAOs to join in the peace talks.

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