Vesak Day: Buddhists pouring water on Bodhi Tree on Kason Full Moon Day


Thiri Khit Oo (NP News) - May 21

Majority population in Myanmar, the Bamar ethnic entirely believe in Buddhism and they worship Buddha. Water pouring festival is one of the most auspicious Buddhist festivals in Myanmar; on which day, Buddhists pour water on the Bodhi Tree (Banyan tree).

Kason is the second month in the Myanmar Lunar Calendar and millions of Buddhists throughout the world enjoy the day.

On the full moon day of Kason, Prince Siddhartha (who will become Buddha) was given birth, he attained enlightenment and became Buddha Gautama, and Buddha attained Parinibban. The three major events in life of Buddha as mentioned happened coincidentally on the Kason full moon day. Therefore, all Buddhists gratefully enjoy the Kason full moon day as the Vesak Day.

In Myanmar, summer and the hot weather usually starts in Tabaung month and in Tagu month (the first month of Myanmar Lunar Calendar) the weather is getting hotter. Therefore, there is a Myanmar rhyme that “wefcl;a&ukef? uqkefa&cef; (Tagu yay kon, Kason yay khan)” meaning that “In Tagu month, water is diminishing and in Kason month, water is getting dried”. This rhyme describes that weather is extremely hot in those two months. So, Myanmar people hold Thingyan Water Festival in Tagu and festival for water pouring on Bodhi Tree in Kason.

“Kason” pali word is combined with two words, “Ka” and “Son. “Ka” means “water” and “Son” means “pouring” resulting meaning of “water pouring”. Maha Bodhi Trees (large banyan tree) are mostly found at pagodas and monasteries across Myanmar. On the Vesak Day, Buddhists pour water on Bodhi Trees offering for calmness of hot weather in Kason month. There is also Myanmar’s ancient saying while offering water on Bodhi Trees, “I pray for your health and happiness by offering water with Thabye to the Buddha and pouring water on the Bodhi tree!” This tradition came alive after Buddha attained Parinibban.

On this full moon day, Buddhists also offer flowers, candles and incense stick to the Buddha. In fact, offering candles and incense stick which burn down and flowers reminds the worshippers that our lives are fleeting and transient and all things decay and eventually pass away.

In these days, Buddhists have been observing the ceremony of pouring water on the Bodhi tree in Kason month since centuries. The cer­e­m­o­ny took place at almost every pagoda and monastery in which Bodhi trees are planted through out Myanmar esp­ec­­i­al­ly in urbans such as Yangon and Mand­a­­lay. In Yangon, Buddhists offer and pour water on Bodhi trees celebrating festival lively at the Shwedagon Pagoda, and in Mandalay, at Maha Myat Muni Temple, Bawdikone Pagoda and Shwe Kyet Yet Pagoda including other famous pagodas.

Moreover, Buddhists also offer Satuditha which is a traditional Myanmar feast and merit making activity featuring unique Myanmar culture and describing the generosity and almsgiving as Myanmar cultural norm.

In Myanmar, Buddhists always hold the beautiful and grateful festival on full moon day in Kason every year; a beautiful culture in Myanmar associated with the Buddhism.

Data and facts reference –
Global New Light of Myanmar
LM Travel Myanmar
Myanmar Digital News

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