Electricity and internet for online scams in Myawaddy-Shwe Kokko and KK Park areas acquired by Thailand


NP News - Jan 27

According to the announcement released by the State Administration Council (SAC), the power and internet connections in the Myawady-Shwe Kokko and KK Park areas of Kayin State, which are crucial for online scams in these regions, are not provided by Myanmar but by other country. Foreign organizations are the primary investors in these infrastructures.
Reports indicate that Myawady, Shwe Kokko, and KK Park in Kayin State are experiencing a surge in criminal activity, including rampant online scams. The Shwe Kokko region, initially established as a development project in 2016 to facilitate economic activities for regional development, has seen its continuation suspended due to media reports and news about illegal business operations in the area, according to an announcement from the SAC.
The SAC has acknowledged that instability in the region stems from the presence of multiple armed groups, hindering effective law enforcement and administrative control. Consequently, individuals seeking personal gain are exploiting the situation to commit various criminal activities, including cybercrimes and illegal online scams.
The SAC has announced that the electricity and internet access, which are essential for online scams in these areas, are not sourced from within Myanmar but rather obtained through a neighboring country. It was also found that most of the basic infrastructure and investments in these regions are made by foreign organizations. Furthermore, those involved in online scams and online gambling operations had been conducting such activities in the Philippines and Cambodia since around 2015 and moved their operations to Myanmar after 2019.–

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