China collaborates with neighbours to combat telecom fraud


Phyo (NP News) - Feb 8
The spokesperson for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lin Jian, stated at the regular press conference that China is working with Thailand, Myanmar, and neighboring countries to jointly stamp out telecom fraud.
At the press conference held on February 7, when a reporter from Antara News Agency asked whether the issue of online scam companies operating across the Thailand border, which have become a threat as many people from around the world are being abducted and forced to work there, was included in the discussions between the Chinese president and the Thai Prime Minister, Lin responded as mentioned above.
He highlighted the issue of online scams, stating that the recent wave of online gambling, telecom fraud, and other harmful activities along the Thailand-Myanmar border has threatened the safety of people's lives and property in the relevant countries, including China and Thailand, and disrupted normal exchanges and cooperation between regional countries.
Lin emphasized that China is collaborating with Thailand, Myanmar, and neighboring countries to actively pursue both bilateral and multilateral cooperation. This includes implementing a series of policies to address both the immediate and underlying causes of the issue, preventing criminals from crossing borders to commit crimes, and eliminating the threats of online gambling and telecom fraud.
"Resolutely cracking down on online gambling and telecom fraud is an inevitable choice to safeguard the common interests of regional countries and meets the common expectations of people around the world," Lin said.
Additionally, he emphasized that the goal of this cooperation is to protect people's lives and property while ensuring the orderly exchange and cooperation between regional countries.