NMSP’s three-day peace talk with SAC finished; signing between two groups


NP News - May 26
The three-day peace talk by State Administration Council (SAC) and New Mon State Party (NMSP) was finished yesterday (May 25) and signed the agreements by the two groups, according to the SAC’s announcement.

Detailed points that were agreed during the talk have not yet released.

The vice-chair of the NMSP Naing Aung Min showed his gratitude towards the other side (the government) for providing the conditions to discuss without advance limitations by the government for the peace and for the union affairs, in his opening speech at the talk.

Patient compromise is required between all stakeholders for the peace and terminating internal conflicts that have been happening within the country for more than 70 years. Mon EAO started the armed confrontation for pursuing equality and right to self-administration. Building the federal union with national equality and self-ruling is crucial to discuss in this peace talk, he added.

The SAC explained the points that were agreed in the Parts I, II, III of the Union Accord and the points involved in Schedule 2 from the Part III of the Union Accord which still remain to be discussed during the meetings.

“New Mon State Party persistently believes that political dilemma requires being resolved through political dialogue so that the enduring solution will be attained,” Naing Aung Min said.

Delegation team led by the vice-chair of the NMSP Naing Aung Min attended the peace talk with the SAC started on May 23. The team met with the SAC members’ peace negotiation team on May 24 and 25.

Joint-secretary Naing Win Hla and central executive committee member Naing Banyar Le attended the talk.


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