20 terrorists commit gun violence at rural middle school in Magwe


NP News - May 28
A middle school located in Yargyipyin Village, Pauk Township of Magwe Region was attacked with firearms by 20 armed terrorists on May 26 morning while teachers and student parents carried out the school admission process for the 2022-23 Academic Year, according to the residents.
The armed terrorists entered the school; then, shouted at the teachers and parents and threatened not to open the school for this academic year by gun-firing.
NUG-affiliated PDF terrorists have frequently attacked schools and universities since 2021 June (last academic year). Terrorists usually accelerated their terror intents mostly during school opening time, examination period, and matriculation exam period.
The opposition NUG/PDF terrorists set bombs and exploded schools and universities across the country since last year.
Currently, schools are accepting admissions for the 2022-23 Academic Year to open on June 1, 2022.
State Administration Council declared that attacking non-military targets like schools and healthcare centers is bleaching the Geneva Convention and violating international laws. Authorities continue investigating to take action against those war crimes committed by the NUG/PDF.