Anti-government terrorists threaten students’ Right to Education


NP News - May 28
A short video clip spread through the social media in recent days shows a solid proof that PDF terrorists intentionally threaten children’s right to safely education.
In the video, a young man surrounded by an armed group behind him is proudly telling, “Today is May 26. You all must join the CDM by June 1. Otherwise, we will kill all teachers and explode schools across Ye Township. Here is our warning for you. Our Revolution Must Win!”
The video was released by Ye People Defense Force (Ye PDF).
As a matter of fact, the schools started accepting admissions for the 2022-23 Academic Year on May 26 to open on June 1, 2022. The city ‘Ye’ - located in southern Mon State and territorially connected between Kayin State and Dawei, Tanintharyi Region - becomes a good shelter for the PDF terrorists (so-called 2021 crisis revolutionists) with its forests and valleys.
The 2021 Spring Revolution of Myanmar actually turned into committing war crimes against education and public health sectors, and the Buddhist religion instead of fighting back against the Defense Services.
Thousands of lay people, teachers, doctors, Buddhist monks and nuns, and other professionals from different walks of life have been murdered allegedly as ‘Informers/ Dalans (traitors)’ by the PDFs.
Reported data says approximately 5700 people have already been murdered or killed during the whole crisis till May 2022.
Amongst, 29 were the non-CDM teachers who did not join in the civil disobedience movement by the anti-government group.
NUG-affiliated PDF terrorists have unashamedly threatened the non-CDM teachers and civil servants very frequently for failing to join in the CDM accusing them ‘they support the military government’ or as ‘the pillar of the military government’; so did the terrorists set bombs and exploded at schools and universities across the country since last year.
Terrorists coin the current public education as ‘Military Slave Education’. They usually accelerated their terror intents mostly during school opening time, examination period, and matriculation exam period.
To be more precise, here is the list of PDF terrorists’ intentional attacks on the education sector.
A total of 127 times set fires at schools;
374 times of bombs were blasted at schools;
14 times gun violence committed to schools;
Teachers were life-threatened for failing to join the CDM at least 44 times;
A total of 29 teachers were murdered for being non-CDM;
Another 27 teachers were injured in terrorist attacks.
Not only the terror attacks on the schools and teachers, but the NUG-affiliated PDFs also commit destroying school kits, textbooks, and question papers.
A recent attack happened on May 24 in Tanintharyi Region. Two 12-wheeler trucks carrying textbooks to be distributed to the schools from Myeik District, Tanintharyi Region were stopped by the local PDFs on Dawei-Myeik Union Highway located in north-east 2,000 meters away from Thayatchaung Township. A total of 48 canvas bags out of 1,597 bags that carry textbooks were incinerated by the terrorists.
A few days ago, a threatening letter and a hand grenade were received at a high school located in the Indawgyi area, Kachin State. The letter said not to open the school and stop conducting any manner to open the school. For continuing preparations to open school, bullets and mines won’t forgive anyone whoever teachers or whatsoever.
Ignoring the pieces of evidence, video records, and documents that show war crimes committed by the NUG/CRPH/PDFs against the education sector is supporting the terror acts on the ‘Right to Education' of the children in Myanmar.