Ministry offers matriculation exam next chance as old curriculum


NP News - June 18
Following the announcement of university entrance exam results, the Ministry of Education declares a second opportunity to take the university entrance exam for those who failed in the previous 2022 exam or missed to sit it for any reason of whatsoever as this will be the last chance to sit the Grade 10 under old curriculum.
The matriculation examination under the old system for both who failed or missed the exam in 2022 will be convened in 2023, the ministry announced.
It means students under ‘Grade 10 system’ will have the next chance to finish their secondary education with current education system.
The ‘Grade 12 system’ has been completely commenced this academic year (2022-2023) nationwide though it was proposed by Thein Sein Administration of 2011-2016 period and still, it was failed to execute up to NLD administration.
In the previous 2022 matriculation exam, over 280,000 students took; of which more than 130,000 passed throughout the country amid terror threats, explosions and intimidations to schools, students and teachers.
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