Schools in Myanmar attacked at least 15 times in just five days


NP News - June 30
Crimes against educational staff and schools in Myanmar surely break the global records of terror attacks on non-conflicted entities even in conflict zones ever happened in the history of civilized societies.

Reports say schools and teachers from different territories across the country were subjected to terror crimes a dozen times from June 24 to 28; at least eight threatening letters are a plus.

30 armed terrorists, reportedly PDFs and KNDFs, abducted six educational staff from Loikaw Basic Education High School in Kayah State on June 24.

A basic high school from Hpakant, Kachin State which hosts nearly 1300 students were hit with a grenade by two men on June 24 destroying the school’s library, windows, and ceilings.

Lower secondary Education Practicing School located in Pyitawthar Ward, Monywa of Sagaing Region was thrown a hand-made bomb by two men on June 24. The bomb exploded at the school’s entrance gate with no causality.

Again on June 24, a basic primary school located in Htantabin Township, Yangon Region received a threatening letter that tells ‘Stop Education’.

Assassinating school teachers is the most frustrating terror deed in such a country living with Buddha’s teaching.

On June 25, three teachers of a primary school from Pyinmana of Naypyidaw Union Territory were the subjects of gun violence by two men when the three teachers – headmaster Maung Maung Tar, and primary school teachers Nay Win Tun and Hlaing Min Tun - were having dinner at an estimated 9:45 pm in the teachers’ housing located in the school compound. The teacher Hlaing Min Tun was dead on spot. The rest two teachers got injuries from the gunfire.

Due to this assassination, more than 30 schools from the surrounding residential areas were temporarily closed as the society gets traumatized from shock.

Threatening letters counted to be another kind of terror attempt on schools, teachers, and students which intimidates the children’s right to safely education.

Education plays a major threat in the subject of terrorism!

The headmaster of a basic education high school from Tedim, Chin State received two threatening letters on June 25 from two men. The letter was written in bilingual – Chin and Myanmar languages - telling to discontinue teaching.

Following schools from Muse, Shan State received letters intimidating to education on June 25 including – Selant Basic Education High School, Nampate Basic Education Primary School, Mannal Basic Education Primary School, Namsan Gohtaung Basic Education Primary School, and Paikyaung Basic Education Primary School.

On June 27, a sound mine was blasted at Myataung Village’s high school located in Htigyaing, Sagaing Region at an estimated 9:45 am; no physical damage occurred.

On June 27 in Myan Aung Township, Ayeyarwady Region, intimating letters to education were written along the concrete road in front of the Basic Education High School of Htantonebin Village.

On June 28, a threatening letter was sent to the home of the headmistress of Basic Education High School of Nyinhtwe Village located in Yephyu Township, Tanintharyi Region. A white plastic bag containing a threatening letter with a bullet was found ten feet away from her home.

Sad truth is schools, teachers, and students became subjected to intimations, life threats, and terror attacks in Myanmar as terrorists say ‘Military Slave Education’.

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