KNU expels former KNDO commander Saw Nerdah Mya


NP News - July 21
Karen National Union (KNU) expelled Saw Nerdah Mya, the former commander of KNDO, who founded Kawthoolei Army in recent days.
The KNU made the decision on Saw Nerdah Mya on July 20 after urgent meeting of the Central Executive Committee.

Saw Nerdah Mya was appointed as the Chief of Staff of the Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) in 2013 by the KNU. Since then, Saw Nerdah Mya frequently violated the rules and regulations of the Supreme Headquarters of the KNLA and the KNU, as expressed in the statement.

Saw Nerdah Mya actively engaged in dialogue with the State Peace and Development Council in order to split from the mother organization KNU, the statement said.

Saw Nerdah Mya was temporarily suspended from his duties on 5th July 2021 and Saw She Lay was assigned temporary duties related to the extrajudicial killings that occurred in Pa Lu-Wawlay area, Dooplaya District. During the preliminary process by the KNU, he failed to cooperate, the statement said.

The statement continued, “Saw Nerdha Mya was completely suspended from his duties and position in KNDO. Therefore, Saw She Lay was assigned to Chief of Staff on July 17, 2022.”

Kawthoolei Army is not affiliated with the KNU/KNLA, the statement said.

On July 17, Saw Nerdah Mya established the Kawthoolei Army mentioning that the KNDO is an NCA-signatory group which found difficulties in representing the whole Kayin public.

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