Two civilians killed in Natmauk and Wetlet


NP News - Sep 26

Myanmar Police Forces announced that two civilians were killed by terrorists in Wetlet township, Sagaing Region and Natmauk township, Magwe Region.

The incidents occurred on September 23; both victims died at the scene.

A 43 years old Min Tun was killed by approximately 20 terrorists at the edge of the village while he was heading to Shwebo township allegedly as ‘Dalan/ traitor) on September 23 at an estimated 11:20 am.

The victim Min Tun was tied hands in the back; tortured and beheaded by the terrorists. Money and the motorbike owned by the victim were taken by the terrorists.

A group of four terrorists came and attacked a 58 years old Win Nyunt while he was at home on September 23 at an estimated 2:30 pm.

Authorities are investigating the cases to arrest the committed criminals.

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