8.33 percent of Myanmar population represents elders mostly women


Khit / Yoon (NP News) - Oct 4
According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Social Welfare Relief and Resettlement, one in every twelve persons is the elder in Myanmar and mostly women.
The population of the senior citizens above 60 years old in 1973 was only six percent; then it became 10.1 percent in 2019, data says.
Approximately 4.5m represents elder population, according to the researches related to senior citizens conducted by the ministry. In fact, 57 percent of the 4.5m of elders are the women.
Day Care Center for the Aged-Myanmar was opened in 2013 in Yangon by the ministry. Then in 2016, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw enacted the Elderly People Law on December 30.
The government offered 10,000 kyat per elder of age above 90 years old monthly since 2017-18 FY. In 2018-19 FY, the subsidy was offered to a total of 250,000 elders of age above 85 years old 30,000 kyat in every three months.
The government extends retirement age from 60 to 62 for those who can still work and serve the civil servants.