Terror attack against passenger flight can be charged death sentence – SAC


NP News - Oct 4
State Administration Council released a statement, October 2, that those who committed the terror attack against the civilian flight can be sentenced to death penalty.
Section 9 of the Counter Terrorism Law states, “Whoever unlawfully and deliberately does any of the following actions during the flight duty period shall be criminalized with harming civil aviation-
(a) Act of violence on aircraft against any person on-board in order to harm the security of the aircraft during the flight duty period,
(b) Destroying, damaging the aircraft in service in order to damage the aircraft or to prevent it from flying or to cause harm during the flight, or placing or having it placed equipment or anything on-board which can cause damage to the aircraft.
Whoever is convicted of committing any of the following acts of terrorism shall be sentenced to a minimum of ten-year imprisonment to a maximum of life imprisonment or death penalty, Section 49 of the Counter Terrorism Law states.
The KNDF (an allied group of KNPP and PDF) committed undeniably a war crime since it fired at the aircraft causing injury in the face of a passenger, State Administration Council said.
Subjecting the non-military targets is clearly violating the Geneva Convention, International Laws, domestic Counter Terrorism Law and Penal Code. Necessary measures will be taken to take effective action against violators under existing laws of the country, the SAC stated.